Thursday, June 2, 2011


A year ago from this Monday I graduated from good ol' Bates College in Maine! I can't believe it, time has totally flown by. Any way, I got a bit nostalgic over a lot of things, surprisingly enough especially my senior year painting class with Professor Nicoletti. I remember feeling like he was picking on me all the time because I'd love rendering my paintings so he told me for the rest of the semester I could only paint in tones with my palette knife. I spent the semester being pretty pissed off... but at the end of the day I don't think I've learned more about color in an any art class. So tonight in my depressing nostalgic mood (dreaming of Maine hiking, beaches, and Bates' house parties... and all my Batesies on the East Coast) I decided to do some "painting" on my cintiq. Always a sucker for the classics- here's the Degas-inspired piece I doodled tonight.

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